Monday 4 August 2008

Down to one Kindle

Do you know what a Kindle is? Well, its an electronic device that you download books to. it is sold by Amazon and I thought it would be the perfect thing to take on vacation and to also remove the clutter of books to be read or already read on my night table. So, after much thought I decided to get one (not inexpensive so had to think it through!). Well, this is a remarkable device. It has the capacity to hold up to 20 books; no book costs more than $9.99 and you can download from where every you are; well, except for my house. The technology is based on the same waves as cell phone coverage. That should have give me my first hint since the cell phone coverage here is limited! Well, after many attempts I could not get online; customer service said according to their info I should be fine. Well, they decided it must be the Kindle they sent me so they sent a new one...same problem. Well this happened a second time; new Kindle arrived and, you guessed it, still didn't work. Now I'm at the point where I'm thinking I may go into competition with Amazon and sell my own Kindles. As a matter of fact I have named the 3rd one Number 3 as this is starting to get funny. Well, it seems that this one (#3) has the ability to work, sometimes. So now Amazon wants the others back! They are no fun! So much for my latest business! Anyway, I suggest going online and checking it out. It is a wonderful convenience although you do have to get used to not turning pages!

1 comment:

Amy K said...

That's no way to kindle a flame.