Saturday 19 January 2008

We're back!

To those of you who check my blog to see if I've posted anything, thank you for stopping by. I'll see if I can be more regular with postings!

Last week David and I went to Miami for a sales conference held by his company. I have not been to Miami Beach for decades and staying at this hotel made the wait worthwhile. We were at the Loew's Miami Beach which is actually in South Beach. What a place, what a neighborhood, what prices! My experience at the hotel was basically sitting at the pool, reading and paying for food. The food was good and the help was outstanding! The night we arrived David had a meeting which included dinner; I had been invited but decided it would not be fair to him to have to worry about me so I told him to go on his own. I went down to one of the dining rooms and asked to be seated outside. As the hostess showed me to my table I noticed a young woman sitting by herself, reading a book. After I was shown to my table I went back and asked the woman if she would like to have dinner together. I explained I was not trying to "pick her up" (answering a question that would have been my concern) and so we had dinner together. What fun! She is from the Netherlands and was staying with a friend who was at the GE conference going on at the same time. We talked about American customs in eating and serving that seemed strange to her. For instance, why is the coffee always so cold...I told her that the Americans, in most cases, did not heat the milk before they added it to the coffee/tea and hence the cold coffee/tea. We spoke about Landmark Educ, she also had taken some seminars! Wow, it really is a small world! The next night we ate together at Emeril's Restaurant that was also in the hotel. The food was excellent, service, not up to the European standards (mine either!)! Wow, getting pretty demanding, don't you think. We both talked about how quickly the food was served and how fast the check appeared; not at all European! Well, if we go to The Netherlands we definitely have someone to visit!

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