Monday 28 January 2008


So, its been rather cold and damp here so I decided it was the perfect time to get a pedicure. I've been rather concerned about using some of these Korean places so I went to my dermatologists office instead. Having used the Korean places in the past it was interesting to compare the two experiences. First, at the doctor's office, the person speaks to you and its English; the Korean place gives you something to drink (water, soda, etc) as soon as you sit down; doctor's office, nothing! Now the actual pedicure: the doctor's office, warm water and lots and lots of bubbles, in fact so many that at one point I think we are both going to float out of the room; Korean place, very hot water, no bubbles! Then the "fun" part, doctor's office, lots of removal of corns, nails cut very short, the emphasis is on making the feet soft and clean; Korean place, polish is the main concern of the day. Legs: doctor's office some cream on your legs and then hot "boots" on your feet for about 5 minutes; Korean place, honey scrub and your legs wrapped in hot towels, hot towel over your eyes, lean back in the chair and the attendant messages your feet for 5 minutes. Kit of supplies: doctor's office you buy all the disposable materials they use. this includes the polish, files, corn removers, sandals (rubber that can be reused) cuticle softener, base and top coat of polish, cotton, etc). Korean place, you pick out what polish you want and everything else is used by everybody. Cost: doctor's office $65 and one time charge for kit $60; Korean place $45.

so what was my decision for the next time? I'm going to stick to the doctor's office. I like the cautiousness of having my own polish, tools, etc. When I asked why you had your own polish, for instance, she said that they are concerned about fungus that can be transmitted by more than one person using the polish, tools, etc. Maybe I'm just a high maintenance person and the Korean place would be just fine...I just don't want to take chances! Bottom line, pedicures are not my favorite thing, I don't like people messing with my feet! However, I don't seem to be able to do an adequate job myself so it makes sense to me to go to the doctor! Now if only the insurance would cover it!!!

1 comment:

Amy K said...

Interesting. I had a pedicure this week - third in London in 18 months. This was the best so far because the woman really put care into my feet. She used a bowl to wash my feet which was different. The last pedicure I got in the States I got athlete's foot so I know what you're concerned about.