Thursday 27 March 2008

Big day for Mah Jongg Players!

Well, March 26th was the day this year for all the Mah Jongg players in the US...what could have happened you may wonder; its the day the new cards came out. Every year the National Mah Jongg League puts out a new card. It is a good idea since the card tell which hands you can play and playing the same hands year after year would definitely become boring. So, what did these women come up with...the idea of changing the card every year! So, for 71 years players all over the US spend the last 2 weeks in March pondering when the card will arrive. It was believed for a long time that the new card coincided with Passover (also usually the end of March). So this year there was much concern since Passover doesn't start until April 19th! Oh my, what a frenzy! The good news, went to the mailbox yesterday and there it was! Now the next ritual is to spend the first few weeks with the new card grieving over the hands that have changed; how much we miss them and mourn their loss! All kidding aside, it is a fun game and I'm happy I've become a regular player (well, as regular as I can be!).


Amy K said...

Grammie must have every card ever made because I know we've played games with cards from 1960.

Lorraine said...

Would you believe she and her friend have cards that go back to the '40's??????