Monday 27 October 2008

Jewish Arts & Film Festival

For the past 7 years the Stamford JCC has been hosting a film festival that runs for about 2 weeks. This year it was decided to expand the programs to include literature, photography, dance, music, and, of course film.

Saturday night, opening night, we viewed a movie "Noodle". Very wonderfully done! If you have the opportunity to see I suggest you do so.
Last night former Mayor of NYC, Ed Koch spoke. He is quite the personality; had something to say about everything with a great deal of wit in his presentation.
Tonight the speaker was Zion Ozeri, a photographer born in Israel, his family is from Yemen. He told the story of his parents living in a tent when they arrived in Israel . Not only were they in the tent, they shared it with several families! The good news was that his father was a very observent Jew, therefore, when Succot approached his father built a succah attached to the tent. It was the first time since they were married that his parents could sleep alone without an audience. As you may have guessed, Zion was born 9 months later! Sometimes there are more than the obvious benefits of being observent!

Zion's photography is something to behold. Go to his website and check it out We had the opportunity to ask him questions be it about the subjects of the pictures, technical questions about shooting the pictures, personal questions...whatever. I was interested in why he shot in black and white, what kind of camera he used and did he use film or digital.

He shoots in black and white because all of the photographers he admires shoot in black and white; also, when he is shooting in under-developed countries, he doesn't want to make it look better than it is with bright colors so he uses black and white. Currently he uses film, although he just bought his first digital camera...he's not sure how he will like it! All his cameras are Nikons.

It was a very exciting evening; hope you like his work.

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