Sunday 13 July 2008

Great Weekend it DC

Just back from DC; what a great weekend. Rachel's sister had a Tea for her in celebration of the upcoming wedding! What a fun event! The sandwiches were yummy, my favorite being chicken salad and also cucumber with butter I believe, very delicious. However, the best was the chocolate brownie! I have NEVER had such a decadent brownie. The chocolate was fudgey and the icing was creamy and yummy! Definitely worth the calories! The other tempting morsel was a petti fore; white cake with creamy filling, a layer of marzipan and then iced all over with white very sweet fondant (I think that's what it was). If you were looking for your sugar fix for the month this was the route to go. Let me tell you, I would definitely put my trust in Emily (Rachel's sister) and Jenny (Rachel's long time friend and growing up next door neighbor) to spend my discretionary calories! As Grammie would say "What a way to go!" I'll post some pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Amy K said...

Sounds so fantastic! Can't wait to see the photos.