Tuesday 30 October 2007

Fund Raising Debut

As some of you know, I am the 2008 Campaign Chair for UJF! Considering I've been on the committee for the past 2 years I didn't think this would add too much more stress to me life...WRONG! Two weeks ago I received an email from the staff person that handles the Campaing...it seems that the President of the organization is going to be out of town for the Major Gifts event so I will have to make The Pitch! Oh my, well not too big a problem, I can do that! David and I were fortunate to have attended a fund raising/talk giving workshop with a woman who taught Dale Carnegie classes, I can do this, no problem! Well, actually, one catch...per our teacher you are not to read to the people you are to talk to them! Oh my, this is a little different from what I've done in the past. You mean, just talk to them! Well, I worked on my topic, emailed it to the staff person and waited for the congradulations I would recieve because of the topic, how I presented it, etc. When I hadn't heard right back I knew I was in trouble. Sure enough I received a phone call (now you know that's serious) saying what I wrote sounded good, however, he didn't like the topic. The good news is he gave me an idea for the topic, the bad news...I was having a difficult time getting passionate about the new topic. Well, re-writing went on until this morning (the day of the event!). At 3:00 I finally got it together and now had to feel comfortable with it! Well according to the people that came up to me after my presentation, it was good! Now, I haven't counted how many told me it was good and how many left without saying anything! I think I'll just take it on good faith that it went well. Hopefully my next attempt will be a little easier!

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